Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Random Review & Tour . . . Hunter by AE Fisher

I spent years running from my past. Then, when my past comes knocking in the form of dark, delicious sin, I find myself caught up in a man I shouldn’t. My son's uncle. A dangerous biker. Not to mention, an overbearing Alpha male.
Hunter is everything I need to escape from, yet I find myself wanting to stay. I know I shouldn't let myself or my son care for him, but I can't help wondering if maybe he's the one who can finally save me from my past.
The plan was simple. Find my nephew, bring him home, and raise him in the Black Angels like my brother would have wanted. But things never go as planned, like my nephew’s mother. My brother’s one-night stand.
Mallory is spicy and sweet; one second she is mouthing off to me, and the next, she is moaning my name. The longer I’m with her, the harder she is to ignore. But she is hiding something while desperate to escape me, though I have her in my grasp. I will find out what she is hiding, and when I do, she will have nowhere left to run.

**3 STARS**

Hunter and Mallory have a really complicated relationship. They're the type of couple that makes things harder for themselves because they fight all attraction for the most ridiculous reasons. Hunter is Adair's uncle, so Mallory, as Adair's mother, feels she's somehow wronging Noble (Adair's deceased father). I get that guilt is there, but do you live for the living or the dead? Hunter basically had the same hang up, but he wasn't as reluctant as Mallory and I liked that while he did try to avoid her, he never hid his attraction.

It took this book a while to pick up some action, but when it did, it was amazing. I liked that Hunter was willing to do whatever he could to protect Mallory and Adair, even when he knew she was hiding something. I like that Mallory came to her senses and finally let him. Of course, he had to screw that up, because, what else could he do...LOL. I liked the mystery of the ghost. That was a great touch. I just wished there was more about it. I liked the ending, even though I expected more fight from Mallory. I also expected more fight from Hunter after the hospital. Can't say that I've ever seen such an alpha male fold that easily, even when they know they're wrong.

I didn't like that whole truck scene. Initially, the window was down and she's tiny. It made no sense and it took me out of the story for quite some time since it was crucial to her seeing what she thought she saw, not to mention that after all that time she was out so quickly. There were a few typos that I noticed, although they weren't major enough to deflect from the story.

This was my first read by AE Fisher and I will definitely read more from her, especially with covers like that.
Writing books had been a big part of my life for many years; whether it was writing in secret notebooks during class, writing amateur novels or posting stories online, I surrounded myself with it.
Of course, it has its up and downs, but I've never once thought that writing wasn't for me.
Because of that, I can share the worlds I discover in my head with the outside world, and although that might sound crazy to some, it's fine by me. So long as I can do what I love, I'm happy.
And every person who's happy as a result of my writing is a bonus for which, I'm forever grateful for.

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